

Jinn-Liang Liu
劉晉良 教授 Professor and Chair 
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Maryland
Research Interests: Numerical Nnalysis, Biological Ion Channels, Semiconductor Devices
Phone: Ext 72751, 72378
Office: Room 9618, 9408
E-mail: jinnliu@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages: http://www.nhcue.edu.tw/~jinnliu/
Wen-Liang Hung
洪文良 教授 Professor and Provost
Ph. D. in Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University
Specialty:clustering analysis, soft computing and pattern recognition
Phone:Ext 75900
E-mail: wlhung@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages:
Chi-Ming Chen
陳啟銘 教授 Professor
Ph. D. in Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University
Specialty: Mathematical analysis, functional analysis, fixed-point theory
Phone:Ext 75706
E-mail: ming@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages: http://www.nhcue.edu.tw/~ming
Li-Chin Yeh
葉麗琴 教授 Professor
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Oxford
Specialty: Differential equations, dynamical systems
Phone:Ext 76214
Office: R9614
E-mail: lcyeh@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages: http://lcyeh.web.nhcue.edu.tw
Yen-Chang Chang
張延彰 教授 Associate Professor
Ph. D. in Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University
Specialty: Statistics, probability
Phone:Ext 72735
Office: R9623
E-mail: yenchang@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages:
Jeng-Chung Chen
陳正忠 教授 Associate Professor and Chairman
Ph.D. in Mathematics, National Central University
Specialty:Functional analysis, operator theory
Phone:Ext 72724
E-mail: jcchen@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages:
Shu-Chung Liu
劉樹忠 教授 Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Michigan State University United States
Specialty: Algebraic combinations of algorithms, a combination of computing, coding science, graphics
Phone:Ext 72722
Office: R9624
E-mail: liularry@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages:
Chin-Lung Li
李金龍 教授 Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University
Specialty: Dynamic systems, numerical analysis
Phone:Ext 72752
Office: R9621
E-mail: chinlungli@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages:
Jen-Hao Chen
陳人豪 教授 Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University
Specialty: Numerical analysis, scientific computing
Phone:Ext 72764
Office: R9615
E-mail: jhchen@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages:
Chiun-Chang Lee
李俊璋 教授 Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Mathematics, National Taiwan University
Specialty: Partial differential equations, boundary layer asymptotic analysis
Phone:Ext 72767
Office: R9619
E-mail: chlee@mail.nhcue.edu.tw
Web Pages: http://www.nhcue.edu.tw/~chlee